Annuals 2016 Annual Book | Page 37

13. Phil Taylor will meeting with ten of our pastors to see if they are with him in helping Etowah Baptist Church move toward a particular direction. The process of electing deacons is very critical. 14. Eric Atkins closed in prayer. September 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The MDT met Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at the CrossNet Office at 10:00AM with nine present. Prayer requests were made and Phil Taylor led in prayer. Steven Johnston brought the BCM report. Fifty students spent an entire week in Destin, FL for their 6 th annual Beach Retreat. Randy Bonner reported on Disaster Relief training on September 9 -10 at FBC Cleveland. Two couples went to Gonzales, LA to help with the shower trail this past week. The fall DC mission trip is October 8-13, openings are available. Fields of Faith will be held at Cleveland High School on Wednesday, October 12 th . Tony Eubank will be the speaker. A flyer with the Ocoee Outreach 2016 summer highlights were given out. Announcements were made: Tim Buehner from the Baptist Convention of New England and Shaun Pillay will be our guests on September 13 th . Preview of the 2016 Propose Budget will be October 6 th at 10:00AM and 6:30 PM at the CrossNet office. Fall Harvest Family Gathering is October 27 th at 6:30PM at West Cleveland Church. Samaritan’s Purse luncheon will be held at FBC Cleveland on Thursday, September 22 nd . Phil Taylor gave a financial overview of the finances; we will come out at 7% above this year. Carolyn Goins, Matt Ward, and Kevin Felton will rotate off MDT this year; several names were given for nominations 2017. Keith Habermas has been asked to serve on the Administration Leadership Team for 2017. Jamie Work sent a Dubai Metro Team Talking Points with some brutal facts. Blue Springs’ pastor has resigned. Mike Powers came on staff as the new DOM Assistant. Mike Finnell dismissed in prayer. October 1. The MDT met Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 10:00AM at the CrossNet office with nine members present. 2. Minutes of the September 7 th meeting were read and stand as printed. 3. Prayer requests were made for: Jamie and Dana Work, Wash. DC Mission Team, Nepal Mission Team and Haley Johnston. Prayer was led by Joe Brooks and Kevin Felton. 4. Randy Bonner reported 100 attended the Disaster Relief Training at FBC Cleveland on Sept. 9- 10. Churches have been participating in Love Your City and have been encouraged and have made great connection with their communities. The fall Washington DC Mission Trip had thirty-five participants. 5. Disaster Relief has a group of men available to help anyone who has a tree to cut. 6. Phil Taylor shared on the FBC Etowah revival with Harold Hunter as speaker. 35