Strategic pillars and
priorities in 2017
Pillar 1: Education and Training
Four new projects that address digital skills in areas such as
global citizenship, employability and social inclusion, were
started. We also focused on the promotion and adoption of
DigComp in our activities and projects. In addition, our work
with industry (Cisco, Liberty Global, Certiport, Mozilla) and
with other civil society organisations brought an increased
participation and support to non-formal training.
Pillar 2: Advocacy and Campaigns
ALL DIGITAL’s policy and advocacy efforts were geared
towards reinforcing and making the case for digital
competences obtained in non-formal settings such as the
digital competence centres. There has also been a major
effort put into the rebranding of the organisation, as well as
continuing the Ge t Online Week campaign.
Pillar 3: Research and Social Innovation
Social Innovation was under the spotlight during our Annual
Summit in Barcelona, that had as its main theme Digital
Skills for Social Innovation. Various publications have
been published, following research-based activities in our
projects on the training needs of citizens and on national
strategies on digital skills.
Pillar 4: Community Development
We have developed a new membership strategy to guide
us through engaging existing members and attracting new
members. Also, we have created five thematic membership
clusters based on areas of expertise and interest inside the
network: Digital Media Literacy; Basic Digital Skills; Coding;
Employability and Entrepreneurship; and STE(A)M Skills for
Society. Moreover, we have improved the way we collect
data from members, and we have reinitiated a scheme of
study visits.
Pillar 5: Sustainability and Funding
We have continued to improve fundraising activities and
services, such as screening of funding opportunities,
which can impact our members. Fundraising activities were
focused on two main income sources: EU funding and private
funding. 2017 brought seven successful EU funded project
applications, including an Operating Grant from EACEA. The
other projects have been funded by programmes such as
AMIF and Erasmus+. Also, we have been supported by four
private funders: Cisco, Mozilla, Certiport and GSMA.