The year 2017 concluded the
implementation of the Strategic
Roadmap 2015-2017 under its five
pillars. The new vision and mission
statement proposed by the Board,
together with the new identity of
the organisation were approved by
the General Assembly held in March.
They were publicly launched in
May, during the Digital Assembly in
Malta. ALL DIGITAL (the new name)
is a reflection of our new vision that
every European should be able to
exploit the benefits and opportunities
created by digital transformation.
Later, a consultation with members revealed the thematic
areas that should be addressed by the next strategic plan.
The Strategic Plan 2018-2020 has been developed against
the backdrop of a society where digital literacy is recognised
as a key life competence, as essential as numeracy and
literacy, but in which almost half of Europeans lack basic
digital skills. The strategic objectives and priorities are
aligned to the outcomes of the consultation with members
and stakeholders.