On 4-5 October 2017, over 150 participants representing 92
organisations from 26 countries gathered in the beautiful
CaixaForum in Barcelona for the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2017.
The event, under the title ‘Digital Skills for Social Innovation’
was hosted by El Teb, in collaboration with Generalitat
de Catalunya and Esplai Foundation. It was supported
by laCaixa Foundation, City Council of Barcelona, GSMA
Mobile World Capital, HP, and Telapolis.
Our 10 th annual event turned out to be the largest in terms
of number of participants, experts and topics: for 155
participants, 23 plenary and interactive sessions were
offered, with 48 speakers and moderators.
The keynote speakers talked passionately about the
power of digital skills to enable civic engagement and
social harmony, and how digital social innovation needs to
respond to societal needs and how it offers a wide array of
solutions to the pressing problems that citizens face.
The interactive sessions asked delegates to consider how
they could use new concepts, platforms and models to better
engage or support citizens. Delegates were invited to provide
feedback and contribute to developing these new models
for digital skills support and delivery, while in networking
sessions, new partnerships were conceived and evolved.
In the parallel group discussions, the delegates had a
chance to explore the different aspects of digital social
Co-creation, co-generation of content and knowledge
How-to workshops offered practical insights into a particular
topic, from empowering young e-facilitators and enabling
disadvantaged groups to become prosumers, to bringing
coding to kids, using open badges, and UMI technology.
During the panel discussion on Coding for Inclusion and
Effective Use of Mobile Devices hosted by the CodeMob
project, the four experts shared their experiences on the
topic and discussed the approaches that improve user
engagement and practice.
The Project Lightning Talks session was one of the most
popular formats. The format was not easy on the presenters,
but proved to be captivating for the audience; eight
different projects were showcased in the 5-minute lightning
talks which follow a very strict format, with automatically
changing slides.
DigComp, the European Digital Competence
Framework for citizens Coding for social inclusion Collaborative opportunities on the social Internet,
collaborative economy Open culture and innovation Digital manufacturing tools Ubiquitous, Mobile and IoT technologies in support
of STEM Education: a new business opportunity Conference video
Digital cultural heritage Conference photos
All in all, there were two very intense days of discussions,
exploration, discovery and networking. On 4 October, the
ALL DIGITAL Awards and 10 Year Celebration was held
in the eccentric Paraguai creativa space in the Poblenou
district, famous for start-ups and innovation. The second
day concluded with the Innovation tour of the Poblenou
district to show how the abandoned and dilapidated area
had been transformed into a vibrant tech neighbourhood.