Social media impact
Being active on social media is part of our strategy to promote and disseminate our own and partners ’ activities , to engage stakeholders in campaigns and events , and to inform on developments in the broad area of digital skills enhancement . We have increased our followers on social media channels to : 1,700 on Facebook and 1,915 on Twitter . The Unite-IT community grew by 62 in 2017 , reaching 848 members , and our I-LINC stakeholder platform now brings together 3,000 stakeholders .
Top tweet of the year ( 4855 impressions )
Telecentre Europe ’ s 7th General Assembly
On 9-10 March 2017 , 58 participants gathered in Brussels for the Telecentre-Europe ’ s seventh General Assembly , followed by an informal membership meeting .
During the formal part , the representatives of 35 member organizations voted on approval of the 2016 Report and Budget , as well as the Action Plan and Budget for 2017 . The new Board was elected for the next two years ; and eight new network members were presented .
After the formal parts of the General Assembly , an informal membership meeting was held , during which the delegates were updated on Telecentre Europe ’ s projects and programmes and had a chance to network , discuss topics of interest and share opinions .
In the special video message Commissioner for Education , Culture , Youth and Sport , Tibor Navracsics , commended the excellent work of the ALL DIGITAL network members who altogether reach 3 million people per year :
In order to use technology for social good , people need better digital skills . The digital age should empower and benefit all people not just the privileged few . Your organisations are crucial to help us reach this goal . Your model is unique in bringing digital world to those who feel excluded from it . Through your many centres in Europe you are instrumental in closing this gap and providing everyone with high quality digital skills and using them as a vector of integration .