5,500 physicians
participated in one of our quality improvement programs
2,500 physicians
completed our QI Program for Individuals
80 per cent
of physicians have either completed or currently participating in QI programs in one of our quality improvement programs . At the end of 2023 , nearly 16,000 physicians have completed one of our programs .
QI Program for Individuals In 2023 , more than 2,500 physicians completed our QI Program for Individuals and engaged in the activities of QI – evaluating the risks in practice , completing a self-guided review of their documentation , listening to peer feedback , identifying sources of data , setting goals and outlining a plan for practice improvement .
In 2023 , doctors aged 70-72 years participated in the Quality Improvement Enhanced Pilot Program . In the fall of 2023 , it was approved as a formal QI option .
Quality Improvement Partnership with Hospitals CPSO ’ s QI Partnership Program offers an opportunity for hospitals to work with the College to deliver a single quality oversight program . Collaborating with the College provides hospital physicians with the opportunity to align with QI initiatives that are most meaningful and relevant to their hospital environment . The Partnership Program reduces duplicative work for physicians while assuring that ongoing QI work is improving the quality of care delivered by physicians in their practices and organizations .
Since initiating the QI Program at CPSO in 2020 and moving away from a peer-assessment only model , we now can connect with more physicians , more regularly . By 2025 , more than 26,000 physicians are projected to complete one of our QI programs .
Peer and Practice Assessments
On the rare occasion the QI Program is not able to adequately support the physician in their quality improvement activity , a focused Peer and Practice assessment may be recommended by CPSO ’ s Quality Assurance ( QA ) Committee . In 2023 , 50 physicians were referred to the program – about one per cent of physicians engaged in the QI program .
We also assess physicians over the age of 70 ( with the exception of those who have successfully completed the Enhanced program ). In 2023 we completed over 840 assessments of physicians over 70 .
Care within Out-of-Hospital Premises
In 2023 , following extensive consultation , a revised set of standards for Out-of-Hospital Premises were approved . The 10 new Standards outline the core requirements that must be met when performing specific procedures in OHPs . These Standards include details about the inspection regime and set out specific standards in relation to , for example , infection prevention and control , quality assurance , appropriate patient selection , adverse events and physical space infrastructure . An additional