Minutes of the 57th National AGM
9. Adoption of Audited Accounts (Contd…)
Discussion & ClariWication:
Tr. Suyash mentioned that all details are available at Secretariat and if anyone has a query, this
should been raised prior to NAGM at not at NAGM.
Tr. Sachin Shah from HART153 requested how much amount is gone back to Table / area on
extension, project, publicity, fellowship and requested to show the expenses in Travel. Tr.
Christopher mentioned that all admin expenses are provisioned for Admin expenses. Tr. Dhruv
mentioned that Tables, Acs invite the board members to be present for event and if anyone is
travelling for projects and booked in projects, it is appropriate and is a much clearer. Tr.
Christopher mentioned that 50 Tables were doing FTE projects 5 years back vs 100+ now and
keeping in mind the number of projects, and NPC travelling for projects and this is about
interpretation on booking expenses.
Tr. Chirag Sethi RT229 requested that these questions to be asked when budget proposed and
not when accounts are passed. Accounts were iloated well in time and voucher entry
clariiication is not NAGM - mailing secretariat for the same is the procedure and this is wasting
iloors time. Sq.Leg Amit RT199 mentioned the same point.
Tr. Vivek Dalmia shared his concern that if expenses are booked under travel alone. Tr.
Christopher requested not to make sweeping claims as these heads include travel & the
relevant head.
TR. Sachin mentioned that the levy query is not clariiied year as per him as levy has to be spent
only for the speciiic purpose. Tr. Christopher mentioned that a note can be mentioned about
this and passed.
Tr. Rishab Jain KHRT125 mentioned that total budget is not impacting as there is no loss and
total accounts don’t have impact on proiit / loss and have not crossed the total budget.
Scrutiniser Deepak mentioned that TTLevy is the only levy in C Form & Budget and it cannot
sufiice for the 3 issues. In a case where expenses overshoot for TT, would Tables refund the
same as cost for each issue is 300.
Tr. Vinay Agarwal requested that the budget to be put to vote if accepted in the current way of
PP Tr. Suman Voora mentioned that voting for the budget is doubting the past president. Areas
have increased, travel has increased and putting this to vote would be incorrect.
Post clariiication, Tr. Akshay Dugar, National Treasurer 2017-2018 once again presented the
Audited Accounts for Round Table India for TY 2017-2018 i.e. 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018
Proposed by: RT283
Seconded by: RT15