Minutes of the 57th National AGM
9. Adoption of Audited Accounts (Contdā¦)
Discussion & ClariWication:
Tr. Sachin Shah raised a question on Table Talk not being released during the year and a Levy
for the same was collected from the Tables. The same should not have been utilised or should
have been refunded to Tables which should be decided by iloor. The proiit for the year is 6
Lakh and is technically a loss of 2 Lakhs. Tr. Christopher justiiied that the convener could not
bring out the TT as theses a constraint and that fund is not utilised and is shown as income and
the budget was made with the estimated strength of RT India and the actual amounts vary
depending on the current strength of the members. Tr. Sachin asked to earmark these funds
and iloor should take call if this needs to be refunded.
Tr. Vivek Dalmia RT106 raised concern about committee expenditure - he requested
clariiication on HRD expenditure of Rs.11.65 Lakhs and why travel for NEX board for NEXT
was booked in HRD. Tr. Christopher clariiied that this includes support to Organising Area for
NEXT, facilitators, airfares for NEX Members, TEXT Levy, additional TEXT levy of 15,000/- as
requested by ACs this year and as a practice year on year this is booked in HRD.
Tr. Ankit Gupta MSRT39 requested clariiication on Committee Expenses. Tr. Christopher
mentioned that there are broad heads and expenses have to be booked in relevant heading. He
requested the details of all committee expenses. Tr. Christopher mentioned that the same was
already circulated earlier to the NEX Board. He requested to use the forum to anything speciiic
which required a technical clariiication. Tr. Ankit mentioned that a huge portion of Rs.70 Lakhs
is used towards travel. Tr. Christopher mentioned that heads like IT, Publicity, Int Afiiliation
Fees, Directory etc. He requested Tr. Ankit to be speciiic and only 2 heads had travel booked -
Project & Fellowship. Tr. Ankit also requested clarity on IPP IRO Travel expenses.
Tr. Christopher clariiied that the budget was made 2 year ago and have spent 4.82 Lakhs as we
have had a lot of traction in International circuit. We have extended Tables in Australia, KL,
strengthen our relations across, Proposed to take FTE global.
Tr. Ankit requested annexures for Project A/c and IPP IRO A/c. Tr. Christopher also addressed
the project expenses - the budget for project was made and passed by the iloor and the
discretion of how to use it is with the President & Treasurer who are elected by the iloor and
these expenses relate to project and project related facilitation only.
Tr. Harish Shenoy MHRT109 mentioned that the budget is passed by the iloor and the mandate
is with the head board on how they spend it for the movement. All Tables want Head Board
members to be at their project, he raised a concern that multiple board members travel for a
single project. He requested that accounts, motions, table numbers should be available on the
delegate table so there is decorum. Tr. Christopher mentioned that annual reports have been
circulated and we can use these points as best practices. He mentioned that at the beginning fo
the year multiple people travelled and a conscious call was taken to ensure multiple people do
not travel for same event from q2 onwards. He requested not to encourage Tables to pay for
multiple conveners to Travel. Tr. Christopher clariiied that RTI money cannot be spent in one
event and hence the Tables have booked tickets.