Annual Report 2012 - 2013 Jul 2013 | Page 21

ScotlandAs1 - MakeItHappen West U14 RDL 2012/2013 Schools Competition 2012-2013 Throughout the West Region, clubs and Local Authorities organise and deliver numerous basketball festivals/ tournaments for schools in partnership with basketballscotland each season. In the 2012-2013 season the following Schools League Competitions also took place: Ayrshire Schools Basketball League & Cup Glasgow Schools Basketball League & Cup Lanarkshire Schools League Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire Schools Basketball League & Cup The West Development groups continue to deliver quality competitions within the areas outlined above and, with the support from School staff, entries to competitions remain high. Coach/Officials/Volunteer Development During the 2012-2013 season, an increased number of clubs requested their own table officials courses. Six Level 1 and two Level 2 courses were organised within the West with over 70 Candidates qualifying. Glasgow Life continue to support basketballscotland by organising UKCC Level 1 & Level 2 Coaching Courses within the city. Clubs and other Local Authorities have also shown an interest in arranging courses. This is very positive as coaches can now attend courses in their local area instead of travelling long distances. Last season, in partnership with sportscotland and two West based clubs, basketballscotland set up a new Youth Leadership Project. Year 2 of this pilot project is now complete and both clubs have provided feedback about how positive this programme has been. The two groups of leaders have organised and delivered events, as well as volunteering their individual time by coaching and officiating for their club. Hopefully, with the help of partners, more of this type of programme can be delivered over the next year or two. Responsibility - Dedication - Teamwork - Progress 18