Annual Report 2012 - 2013 Jul 2013 | Page 15

ScotlandAs1 - MakeItHappen Schools Competition 2012-2013 Grampian provided entrants in the National Schools Cup this year, with over 20 teams competing in 4 age groups. Fraserburgh Open Boys team played very well to reach the semi finals. Local clubs, Active Schools and key volunteers continue to support schools basketball in a variety of ways in the region. The competition structure in Grampian is based on a festival programme delivered in the Active School areas offering a block of coaching in primary and secondary schools. North of Scotland RDL—U12 Girls Beacon Basketball Club Coach/Officials/Volunteer Development As part of Grampian’s continued efforts to develop officials throughout the region, this year saw a collaborative approach between basketballscotland, sportscotland and basketballgrampian. This resulted in the “Reffin Brilliant” programme becoming a focus for referee development and recruitment with financial support, including some scholarships for potential referees, from all 3 organisations. A Level 1 referee course was held in conjunction with one of the North of Scotland RDL events with 11 candidates attending. All of these referees helped with RDL or club events following the course, which significantly improved referee availability in the region. Table official courses were offered both as region wide opportunities and for specific clubs with a need to improve their table official resources. Grampian also ran several courses for coaches including Teacher In-Service, Getting Started Coaching and UKCC Level 1. This year a UKCC Level 2 Coaching ??\??H?\?[]?\?Y[???\?\??\?? ??H?Y?Y?X?[?\??\??\?\???YY?]??\????[?]?\??]H ??JH????[?\??\??\?]B???[?Y\????????[[YK?\?[??Y??H?Y[??H??[?]H?\?X?\]H[???X?YX?][???[H]?[???\???H?Y?[?[]?[?Y[???X?\? ??H?X??\???????[??X???\?H^H??[?]Z\??]???[?[???X?X?K????\???X?[]H HYX?][? HX[]??? H???\???L???