Annual Report 2005-06 | Page 29

Performance Objectives or Goals Performance Indicators Measures of Performance Indicators Annual Target Five-Year Target Baseline Data Strategies for Attainment I.5. Students will achieve proficiency in computer skills Demonstration of computer knowledge and task performance on computer Competence and performance-based assessment TBD TBD 54% of students demonstrated proficiency in computer skills (SY 05-06 NEW) 1. Engage students in computer-assisted instruction. 2. Implement a curriculum, which includes technology performancebased objectives. 3. Implement a technology extra-curricular activity. 4. Hold open computer lab hours for students outside of class. I.6 Students will achieve short-term goals that they set for themselves in class each semester. Percentage of students that meet or achieve one or more goals. Post survey, Achievement records, Supportive Services employment data, Portfolio assessment TBD TBD 49% of students met a goal and 47.5% made progress toward meeting their goal. (SY 05-06 NEW) 1. Teachers present lessons on short-term goal setting 2. Teachers conference with students to set short-term goal. 3. Referrals to supportive services for job-related goals and other needs. 4. Teachers use various instructional strategies, including project based learning to facilitate goal attainment. II. Student Non-Academic Performance Objectives II.1. Students will increase their opportunity to become naturalized American citizens and to fully contribute to American society. Students’ performance on mock USCIS exam. In-class practice USCIS exam. 2.5% increment per year of students will demonstrate the ability to pass the mock USCIS exam. 77% of students will demonstrate the ability to pass the mock USCIS exam. 67% of students will demonstrate the ability to pass the mock USCIS exam. Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report SY 2005-2006, Accountability Plan 1. 2. 3. Develop citizenship skills and pride in