Annual Report 2005-06 | Page 28

Performance Objectives or Goals Performance Indicators Measures of Performance Indicators Annual Target Five-Year Target Baseline Data Strategies for Attainment I.3. GED students will make gradelevel progress towards earning their GED. CTBS test Entry and exit performance on CTBS test for grade level in language and mathematics. A minimum of 1% increment per year in the percentage of GED students advancing one grade level in language and math. 45% of GED students will advance one grade level in language and math. 42% of GED students advanced one grade level in language. 1. Place students in GED according to their grade level. 2. Administer the CTBS exam. 3. Implement a GED (Spanish) curriculum, which includes computer-assisted language learning. 4. Issue progress reports to monitor student achievement at the end of each semester. 5. Maintain portfolios for students. I.4. Students will achieve proficiency in English language and life skills. Student promotion rates Student Progress Summary: (1) Rosario criterionreferenced tests; (2) Homework completion; (3) Portfolio assessment; (4) and (5) CASAS reading tests. A minimum of 65-70% of ESL students will be promoted to the next level of competency 1 70% of ESL students will be promoted to the next level of competency. 58% of ESL students were promoted to the next level of competency. (SY 04-05) 47% of GED students advanced one grade level in math. (SY 04-05) 1. Administer oral placement exam and confirm placement of ESL students. 2. Implement ESL curriculum, levels 1 through 4. 3. Follow the required units of the ESL curriculum and establish benchmarks for each level of the ESL performance-based curriculum. 4. Use CASAS class/student profile to obtain tailored supplemental materials for each class 5. Issue progress reports to monitor student achievement in the ESL program at the end of each semester. 6. Maintain portfolios for students. 7. To achieve the five-year target, the use of volunteers and tutors in classrooms will be emphasized. 1 The annual target is stated in a range that is not significantly different from the previous accountability plan because the school will be raising standards that are used to determine eligibility to be promoted. Raising these standards will increase the instructional quality and integrity of the school, and may reduce the percentage of students promoted to the next level. Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report SY 2005-2006, Accountability Plan - 27 -