Anger Anger | Page 33

22 Anger Dadashri : You need not ask for forgiveness in that way, otherwise the other person might misuse it. He may think that he has put you in your place. Just ask for forgiveness internally, by recalling the Soul within that person. There are only a handful of people who would forgive you before you even ask for their forgiveness. Such nobility is rare these days. SINCERE PRATIKRAMAN YIELDS IMMEDIATE RESULTS Questioner : Sometimes I become so angry that I will say something and then keep quiet, but I am in turmoil from within and this lingers on. Does this call for more than one pratikraman? Dadashri : If you do pratikraman two or three times wholeheartedly and with resolve never to repeat the mistake, then everything is over with. Pray to the Soul within that person and confess that you became very angry and hurt him and that you are now asking for forgiveness for your actions. FAULTS END ULTIMATELY Questioner : The excitement stirred up through atikraman (aggression involving anger, pride, attachment, greed) is calmed down with pratikraman. Dadashri : Yes, it does indeed calm down. With ‘sticky files’ (Dadashri’s term for those with whom you have great attachment or abhorrence due to past life karma) you have to do more than five thousand pratikramans or so before things are squared away. Although you may not vent your anger when you become frustrated, if you do not do pratikraman, the ‘stain’ will not be erased. With pratikraman, everything is cleared up. If you do atikraman, then you must do pratikraman. Questioner : What if you get angry with someone and you immediately ask for forgiveness on the spot ?