Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 60

ADVEN T U RE S I N C O NS U LT I NG but the decision was made to shift focus, integrated capabilities in the summer of resources and energy into web-based 2014. A number of capabilities are befan support for fantasy sports. ing developed, tested and implemented into the FFToolbox infrastructure. These FANTASY SPORTS capabilities will provide users access to Jacob, working with FFToolbox, advanced analytics for analyzing players, quickly researched the fantasy sports simulating drafts and visualizing statistilandscape and identified numerous op- cal information in an easy to use and unportunities for advanced analytics and derstandable format. The goal is to put data visualization. The two companies the power of O.R. in the hands of active began developing a fantasy sports players strategy to move forwho may not otherwise ward and outlined both have access to these the execution and busitypes of mathematical ness plan to make this happen. The in- algorithms. FFToolbox gives their custegration of FFToolbox’s expertise in tomers a competitive advantage of their fantasy spor