Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 61

encounter with Bauer in summer of 2012 led to the hiring of Loeffelholz and the launch of sports analytics within Perduco. The chance encounter with Neihaus in summer of 2013 led to the introduction of Perduco to Full Time Fantasy and the launch into the fantasy sports market. Believing in chance encounters and being ready and willing to react when they happen has been a driving force behind this adventure. If the pattern continues, the next chance encounter should be coming soon in summer of 2014 and could ignite the viral power of the Internet and launch Perduco into an overnight success, 24 months in the making! Dr. Stephen Chambal (Stephen.chambal@ is vice president of The Perduco Group and is responsible for strategic business development and high-end recruiting. Chambal retired from the United States Air Force in 2011 after more than 24 years of service. In his final military assignment, he served as the director of Operational Analysis for the Air Force Institute of Technology. Chambal enlisted in the Air Force in 1986 and obtained his commission from the Air Force Academy in 1993. He held various assignments within the scientific analysis career field, including test, space and special programs. Chambal holds a Ph.D. in operations research and has authored and co-authored numerous articles, white papers and conference presentations. BECOME A CERTIFIED ANALYTICS PROFESSIONAL ® Be among the first to become a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®). Make plans now to take the profession's first analytics certification exam. BENEFITS OF CERTIFICATION • Advances your career potential by setting you apart from the competition • Drives personal satisfaction of accomplishing a key career milestone • Helps improve your overall job performance by stressing continuing professional development • Recognizes that you have invested in your analytics career by pursuing this rigorous credential • Boosts your salary potential by being viewed as experienced analytics professional CBT • Shows competence in the principles and practices of analytics APPLICATIONS • Prepare to apply by reviewing Candidate Handbook & Study Guide • Arrange now to secure academic transcript and confirmation of “soft skills” to send to INFORMS COST • $495 INFORMS Members • $695 Non-Members • Bundled rates with meetings available QUESTIONS? [email protected] A NA L Y T I C S STARTING JUNE 1 UPCOMING CAP® EXAMS MAY 17 Baltimore, MD YOUR SCHEDULE Kryterion Test Centers Computer Based Test (CBT) MAY 22 Cincinnati, OH MAY 26 Ottawa, ON JUNE 19 Chicago JUNE 21 San Jose, CA NOW INTRODUCING COMPUTER-BASED TESTING It is now more convenient than ever to schedule your CAP exam in more than 700 Kryterion test centers in more than 100+ countries. No more waiting for INFORMS to come to you! To find the location closest to you, check this site: M A Y / J U N E 2 014 | 61