Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 59

changing and dynamic market space. Perduco met with a number of sports companies, including STATS Inc., and continued to gain exposure for their predictive analytic expertise. The business case is working, but it takes considerable time and resources to develop solutions at the level required for these companies to market to their client base. Business-to-business was expected to be the major push in sports until a second chance encounter presented Perduco with a new option and a major shift in company focus. c ontinuing ducation ESSENTIAL PRACTICE SKILLS FOR ANALYTICS PROFESSIONALS Topic areas: » Problem Framing » Developing the Work Plan » Testing Recommendations Next time I get a visionary assignment that needs some clarity, I’ll be using what I learned in this course to work towards a great solution! - Caroline Alexander, Fed Ex Corporation A NA L Y T I C S ANALYTICS PROFESSIONALS INFORMS Continuing Education program offers intensive, two-day in-person courses providing analytical professionals with key skills, tools, and methods that can be implemented immediately in their work environment. Topics areas: This course will be held San Jose, CA – June 20-21, 2014 ” Learn more about these courses at: COURSES FOR DATA EXPLORATION & VISUALIZATION » Presenting Results » Impact Assessment “ Prior to my 20-year reunion, I reconnected with an old friend and classmate from the Air Force Academy, Troy Neihaus. We talked over the phone and during this call, Troy mentioned Perduco’s website and noticed the push into sports analytics. He had a friend who was part-owner of a company in the fantasy football space and offered to make the connection. The next day, Perduco was introduced to Full Time Fantasy, a company that runs a very popular fantasy football website The first phone call lasted only 30 minutes, » Accessing Data » Understanding Raw Data » Cleaning & Transforming Data » Exploring & Visualizing Data » Dimension Reduction “ The datasets on which the exercises are based are taken from real-life scenarios, are fun to work with and very challenging. The course provides a general framework for tackling data analysis and the instructors highlight the pitfalls one can made along the process. - Ivan Hernandez, Stevens Institute of Technology ” This course will be held San Jose, CA – June 25-26, 2014 M A Y / J U N E 2 014 | 59