Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 58

ADVEN T U RE S I N C O NS U LT I NG has read the book or seen the movie “Moneyball.” The idea of helping teams pick players, make trades, analyze strategy and win more games is what sports geeks get excited about – the sexy side of sports analytics. Perduco aggressively pursued direct team consultation and met with a large number of organizations at both the professional and collegiate levels and across multiple sports including football, basketball, baseball and hockey. Professional basketball quickly became the target of interest, and Perduco developed a number of prototype applications to demonstrate the benefits of O.R. capabilities to team management. Scout scheduling optimization, aggregate player evaluation and prediction of player performance are just a few of the solutions presented to professional teams. Although these solutions were well received, Perduco gained little tracti on with respect to establishing formal consulting agreements with organizations. TEAM CONSULTATION Perduco discovered a number of challenges when pursuing direct team consultation. Teams are very protective of their data and even more protective of the questions related to team and player challenges. Even with a willingness to sign non-disclosures and protect data sources, teams are hesitant to fully share information with respect to organizational decisions. 58 | A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G Additionally, most teams were interested in how the capabilities presented were being used by other teams. The idea being, if no one else was using the tools, there was no forcing function for them to adopt new analytical methods. Put another way, teams are very interested in being “first to be second.” The challenge then became getting the first team on board, which highlighted the most critical issue limiting the expansion into sports – relationships. Relationships are the foundational building blocks required to make any business successful. Perduco had many strategic relationships in defense, but building a similar network of connections in professional sports would take time to develop. The company continues to pursue team consultation, and in January of 2013, an NBA Western Conference team began using Perduco’s scout scheduling optimization tool and is now seeing great benefits with their use of this capability. The second major push into sports came in the area of business-to-business consulting. The connections are easier to find, and the relationships are easier to build. Companies supporting the sports industry are very interested in new capabilities and are willing to discuss challenge areas where they see a need for analytical solutions. New or advanced capabilities give companies a competitive advantage in a rapidly W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G