Scout scheduling: maximizing the value of a scout on the road.
STATS Inc. recently installed SportVU, an
overhead surveillance system in all professional basketball arenas to track player
movements on the court at all times. The
collection systems allow coaches or team
“commanders” to better analyze team and
opponent behavior and evaluate performance on the court. There are countless
other examples of defense crossover areas, but in every case, O.R. is a critical requirement in solving these problems.
The business opportunities were
there, and in the summer of 2012, Perduco made the corporate decision to hire
Jacob as the lead for all things sports.
Jacob’s first task was to determine where
the company should focus in this very
broad business area called sports analytics. This led to a one-year path of exploration, investigating a number of ways
to generate revenue through the application of advanced analytics and O.R. This
also led to a second chance encounter
which would result in Perduco finding
their sports focus in the summer of 2013.
Before jumping ahead, there is useful
insight into covering two major explorations, which are, in some ways, still being
pursued within the company.
The first push into the sports sector
came in the form of team consultation.
Anyone passionate about sports analytics
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