Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, January/February 2014 | Page 19

Corporate culture can be defined as “how we do business.” An analyticsdriven culture necessarily blends analytics and company know-how. We can raise the analytics content of the culture by adjusting the leadership, specialization, delegation and incentives [2]. Analytics-driven cultures have built a legacy of seeking great financial opportunities based upon the numbers. They have learned to accept or tolerate the scientific method, plan for analytics, and enable analytics to drive decision-making. They are more deliberate in collecting appropriate data for their decisions. Rather than passively reacting to the data available, their proactive planning includes thinking ahead to seek new types of data that does not yet exist. A crude measure of a corporation’s acceptance of analytics is the extent to which analytics professionals are spread through the company. If a corporation wants to develop a more analytics-driven culture, then it needs to expose people to business analytics and spread analytics professionals throughout the company – growing the culture by spreading the approach. A NA L Y T I C S LEFT BRAIN–RIGHT BRAIN CULTURAL CLASH The explosion of information implies that we need to apply scientific tools; this is not about pottery or poetry. Left-brain purveyors of the scientific method sound like Mr. Spock or today’s modern icons, Dr. Samantha Carter and Dr. Daniel Jackson of Stargate SG1. Analytics professionals are trained to accept their ignorance, value humility in presenting results and qualify their statements. They are often self-made. At a large bank, a group of predictive modelers was told never to say, “I don’t know” when answering questions from senior management. Similarly, they were told not to include caveats in their presentations. All these confessions of ignorance and qualified statements appear like “doubt speak” to the right-brainers. Do you have the answer or not? Captain Kirk, or the sensibly upgraded Dr. Elizabeth Weir of Stargate Atlantis, just want the answer so that they can “decide already.” Should we put our phasers on stun or close the stargate? Was that so difficult? We can benefit by thinking through these cultural differences. J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 014 | 19