Analytics-driven culture
Left-brainers vs. right-brainers: In the Information Age, it is not wise to
run a company with half a brain.
Philosophically, business
analysis is in its Romantic
Era – an era in which
analysis is applied hither
and yon in a tactical
swashbuckling manner.
Corporations aspiring to
improve their decisionmaking to become more
analytics-based will want
to foster a more analyticsdriven culture.
“In the final analysis, the root cause of Japan’s defeat, not alone in the Battle of Midway but in the entire war, lies deep in the Japanese national character.
There is an irrationality and impulsiveness about our
people which results in actions that are haphazard
and often contradictory.”
– Mitsuo Fuchida and Masatake Okumiya [1]
Business analysis dissolves in an IT culture and
in other cultures too. Philosophically, business analysis is in its Romantic Era – an era in which analysis
is applied hither and yon in a tactical swashbuckling
manner. Corporations aspiring to improve their decision-making to become more analytics-based will
want to foster a more analytics-driven culture. They
should seek a culture that:
1. Rewards analytics-based decision-making as in a
2. Integrates analytics into their strategy.
3. Embraces the pace of dynamic change during this
analytics phase of the Information Age.
4. A ccepts that understanding data analysis is part of
understanding the business.
5. Fosters experimentation and continual learning
about the business.
A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G
W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G