An Ode: Shadow - A Seventeen Anthology | Page 8

“Look how lame it is, they really need to hire some good greeting-makers and change the poor old banner,” Jihoon said as he looked at the banner with disgust while closing the car door. “They don’t want to spend more money for it,” said Wonwoo, who was not so fond of the banner either. Mingyu, who had been busy doing something at the car trunk, finally joined the older boys. He was all set to join the party with his wood-colored vest and a cowboy hat. “You really don’t have anything to wear, do you?” Wonwoo frowned at Mingyu, his words were full of mocking tone. “Get a mirror, Hyung.” Mingyu retorted, tipping his hat, imitating the way cowboys do and I decided to explore the museum, are you in?” “As long as it’s free.” *** “You don’t seem to enjoy it much.” “I just can’t stop thinking about my presentation for today’s class.” “Then let's just go home.” It was 1.27 a.m. and the party would still go on until dawn. Wonwoo was quiet on the way back home. He lied about his presentation, he used it as an excuse so that Mingyu and Jihoon agreed to call it a day and go home. But he didn’t lie for no reason. Kings of Convenience was on the radio, playing the light tune of Cayman Islands, making a contrasting ambience after a thrilling and wild party. It was a pity to have no moonlight for the company. As they got further from the center of town, almost all the noise and crowd couldn’t be heard anymore. They reached the part of town that was no longer alive around that time, as only one or two or five people could be seen, still walking along the street. Wonwoo started to get lost in his own thoughts, and his mind began replaying his experience at the museum, which was the real reason why he wanted to leave the party as soon as possi- ble. The moment he entered the museum, that strange feeling struck him again. As he tried not to think about it, he could hear the familiar soft whisper again, and this time it was coming from the back of his neck. The whisper got clearer and he could make out some of the words. “……with me.” Was it the wind? How could the wind communicate with him? Those strange things kept happening for quite some time. Finally, he admitted that this was not a normal occurrence. Sensing exactly the same strange feelings and heard soft whispers with no source that made the hair at the back of his raised for three times in a short period of time? No matter how hard he tried to make it sound logical, he couldn’t find any explanation for it. He finally assumed that there was something supernatural going on and it was following him. Wonwoo couldn’t