AMZ One Step How_to_sell_on_Amazon_in_2019_(FBA_Private_Label) | Page 21

How to sell on Amazon in 2019 (FBA Private Label) - AMZ One Step Running PPC campaign is very quick and simple, but optimizing your campaign and getting more sales with less ad amount is a little bit tricky. To straighten out the process, here are a few things you need to do for better results: 1. Find your Keywords: Whether it is a manual campaign or automatic campaign, you are supposed to research and find all keywords related to your product. Enter all those keywords in your manual campaign and in your listing as well. 2. Understanding Budget and bids: Amazon suggests how much you should bid in order to get more impressions. For beginning stages I recommend bidding on the higher end, and after you have successfully ranked your product on page one then you can bid on the lower side. Set your budget to at least 20 times more than your high bid and watch it for the next few days. Adjust, if required. 3. Cutting down non performing keywords: After a week of your PPC campaign, you can check the data of your expenditure and sales. To analyse the function of particular keywords better, raise your bid on keywords which are increasing your sales. It is better to remove keywords from the campaign which are not giving you sales, because they’re causing you loss. If you are not sure what to do then watch your campaign performance for a couple more days before reaching a conclusion. 4. Reduce bids after Ranking: Amazon suggests the range of bid you should enter. Higher bid equals more impressions. If you have ranked your product on the first page then you should reduce bids because you are already receiving enough impressions. Reducing bids will still help you get more impressions and work like fuel on gas because you have already ranked your product and organic sales are also flowing in. 5. Optimize your Listing: For best PPC results, clicks will convert into sales only if your listing is optimized. Let’s say you have a visitor on your listing through PPC, and you already spent money on that visitor and cannot afford to let that visitor go without generating sales. So optimizing your listing is absolutely crucial when starting PPC. Optimize your listing now. How much should you spend on PPC? It completely depends on what your goal is. Here are three goals you can achieve through PPC: 1. Brand awareness. 2. More sales with low cost. 20