AMS BILLING 1 | Page 9

AMS installs equipment in each unit , which measures the exact usage of water , gas or electricity for each specific unit . Using only high quality , reliable , precision products from the industry leading manufacturers of uMlity metering and electronic read collecMon equipment , AMS strives to provide prompt , professional service to ensure your equipment funcMons properly throughout your contract .
Benefits of Submetering
ü� One of the largest operaMng expenses for mulMfamily housing communiMes are uMliMes . These costs are on the rise and in an effort to offset this expense , owners and managers are uMlizing billing services and submetering to support the recovery of uMlity expenses .
Other Benefits include : ü� ConservaMon of valuable resources ( submetered communiMes use approximately 20 % less )
ü� Increase asset value through capital investment ( capital investments are o [ en recovered within months of installaMon )
ü� Allows residents to be charged based on actual individual usage versus a flat rate
ü� Cost saving of hundreds of dollars per unit thru uMlity cost recovery
877-­‐358-­‐1253 www . amsbilling . com sales @ amsbilling . com