ü� AMS receives copies of property uMlity bills issued by local municipaliMes ü� UMlity charges are assigned to each apartment based on ü� Actual usage via submeters RaMo
UMlity Billings ( RUBS )
ü� For a submetered property , charges are assigned to each unit based on actual usage ü� Itemized statements reflecMng current charges , past due amounts , and any payments made during the period ü� Bills are displayed accurately and in accordance with each states regulatory compliance
AMS appliesa mathemaMcal formula to the property bill to allocate the charges to each individual unit This formula can include a combinaMon of the following variables : ü� Occupancy ü� Number of bathrooms ü� Square Footage
877-‐358-‐1253 www . amsbilling . com sales @ amsbilling . com