Automated data integraMon is an essenMal component of any uMlity billing soluMon . AMSync provides complete data integraMon with all major Property Management Systems to ensure data accuracy and integrity , allowing your on -‐ site staff to focus on property management and resident saMsfacMon .
ü� Complete integraMon soluMons ranging from simple flat -‐ file import and export to more sophisMcated XML transfers and full Web Services integraMon .
ü� ExisMng , Mght integraMon with major Property Management Systems , including AMSI , Yardi , MRI , and Realpage .
ü� Full two -‐ way synchronizaMon ensures data accuracy and integrity while minimizing the amount of work required by your staff .
ü� Available custom interface development built to your specificaMon to ensure a good fit for virtually any Property Management System .
877-‐358-‐1253 www . amsbilling . com sales @ amsbilling . com