All Powerful All Powerful | Page 28

You are tired of being under people, and want to do more with your life. Let’s start with small, easy tools so that you can go on and become a good social person and a leader. Using the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and Crucial Conversations by Kelly Patterson are ways to do this.

Like said before, using the Four Agreements will really help you on your way to getting to the top. Be impeccable with your word. Speak the truth and only the truth. Don’t gossip, don’t exaggerate, and don’t lie. People are more likely to trust you if they know you are always honest. Don’t take things personally. No one ever does things directly to you. It is only hiding things from themselves. Don’t take insults, or even praise. Because you don’t need it. Keep doing what you do until you can’t do it anymore. Don’t let what anyone else says get in your way. Don’t make assumptions. Find the truth in everything, even if you are scared to do it. Don’t assume that someone wants something from you or knows what you want from them. Be clear, and precise. And very curious. If you don’t know something, ask about it. Always do your best. Do what you see is best. And don’t think you can get away with trying your best, actually do your best. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda. Do your best to get up in the morning, to follow rules and laws set by the government, to get all of your work done in the most efficient and effective way possible, and to do anything you ever come across in your life. The people higher in the power structure will see you as an asset, because you have been working the best you can. You don’t let anything get in your way, and if you know that you can’t work you take a break and try to get back on track. You ask questions and improve your work all the time. Things have been working out for you, but just using the four agreements won’t get you to the top. You will need another kind of tool to help you.

The Four Agreements

1. Be impeccable with your word.

2. Don't take things personally.

3. Don't make assumptions.

4. Always do your best.

social skills in the power ridden world

Photo Courtesy of pixshark