All Powerful All Powerful | Page 15

Challenge Statement: Gray Wolves are affected by the existence of humans.

Root Cause: Humans aren’t aware of the situation of wolves.

Intervention: I created a social media page, that is an outreach page to spread information about wolves to people who may not know much.

Variables: the amount of people looking at/ sharing the page, keeping up to date with information, amount of people taking the survey.

Hypothesis: If I create a social media page then wolf awareness will increase.

Evaluation: By this time next year, wolf awareness will have increased by 10%.

There are many stakeholders in my challenge. Of course, you have the wolves themselves. Unfortunately their packs are at the bottom of the power structure, with not a lot of representatives for their cause. It isn’t like we can communicate with them. Ranchers are also a part of the challenge. When the wolves get too close to their livestock, the ranchers get worried. If wolves attack, the ranchers are allowed to shoot them. Wildlife conservationists, as well as sanctuaries play a major role in the protection of wolves. They are the ones who make petitions to change laws, create places for wolves to live, and take care of the wolves who cannot be set free . into the wild. National Parks are reserves for wolves, and all wildlife in general. Congress, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as the Game and Fish Department all control the regulations for hunters, ranchers, and wildlife. Last, but not least, humans. Abigail Hixon (Animal Care Volunteer at Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary) puts the effects of wolves disappearing clearly.

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