All Powerful All Powerful | Page 16



Without this challenge, Gray Wolves would not be endangered. Their habitat would be growing and full. The elk and wolf populations would not be under or over populated. There would be laws giving wolves lots of protection. Conservationists would be happy. Ranchers would be happy. No wolves would eat animals owned by humans. Fences would keep the wolves out and the sheep in. Everyone would know the story of wolves, and how they are doing in the community. Word will be spread by humans across the states to support the wolf population. It will be spread through social media, word, and advertisements. Hunters are not allowed to hunt wolves.

Now, with so few wolves in each territory, many ecosystems have taken a loss. This is best shown through the research gathered from the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone. When wolves became extinct in Yellowstone environmentalists noticed that the entire ecosystem was shifting in a negative direction. Coyotes were overpopulating, along with elk, deer, and many other of the wolves’ prey, while many bird species were disappearing, along with some of the natural vegetation. Since the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone, the elk and deer population have both decreased and improved. [Also] with the reintroduction of the wolf and subsequent loss of many grazing animals. Her quote is ony of my favorite portrayals of the situation. I have contacted Wolf Mountain Sanctuary, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Defenders of Wildlife, Arizona Cattlemen’s Association, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary, the Mexican Wolf Interagency Field Team, as well as the World Wildlife Foundation.

When wolves became extinct in Yellowstone environmentalists noticed that the entire ecosystem was shifting in a negative direction.
