ALL Magazine April/May/June 2017 | Page 32

Aaron: We get the best reactions from As She Cries, Learn, and a couple of our new tracks. But, to be honest, you’ll always get different reactions to the same songs from different listeners. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, so it’s a question that would need to be asked after every show and I bet the answers would, most of the time, be different. Your EP, Seasons, features 5 songs and a bonus. Which song was the most difficult to write? Took the longest time to come together? Mike: To be honest, none of the songs on Seasons are particularly complex or technical. The idea was to take the listener on a journey rather than to “wow” them with individual parts. Taking Chances was played around with a lot before we were heart-set on the final version, so I’d choose that one. I think the word 'anthemic' is so overused in rock. But, seriously, your sound could hardcore fill stadiums. To what do you attribute it? What are your backgrounds and musical influences? Aaron: Ha, it used to be one of my favorite words when describing our sound. It’s hard, in my opinion, to place yourself into a specific genre of music when you haven’t set out to sound identical to someone else. So, we fell into the alternative rock category like a lot of other bands do. A lot of our songs are loud, filled with beautiful reverbs and delays. It’s something I’ve always loved the sound of. It’s a rare thing to hear me play a song on a clean setting and without any effects. It’s made our sound what it is and it’s amazing every time we hear comments like, “But, seriously, your sound could hardcore fill stadiums.” As for our backgrounds we all did music in school. I did keyboards and Xylophones in school instead of guitars as they were all snatched up by the “cool kids.”