All Day Everyday Issue 1: June 2013 | Page 8

who gave his name only as Silver Fox . " The G8 should be about ending all the wars - why don ' t they give peace a chance for once ?"
Police vans chased groups of shouting protesters down Oxford Street , one of London ' s main shopping areas , to the visible shock of tourists and shoppers .
Police said they had arrested 32 people for offences including criminal damage , assault on police and possession of an offensive weapon .
Activists , some with their faces covered , waved black , green and red flags as they marched down Oxford Street . They carried banners saying " No borders , no prisons , no capitalism " and " One Common Struggle ".
Isolated scuffles broke out when police moved in to arrest individuals as a group of activists banged on drums and blew whistles beside snarled traffic .
" We are retaking the streets . We want to make a statement that capitalism is screwing the majority of people ," said protester Emma Goldman . " If we were in ( Turkey ' s ) Taksim Square people would say we were anti-government protesters . Here they probably call us a mob ."
Last month , StopG8 issued a map of 100 potential targets for people to " show their anger ", identifying offices of financial organisations such as banks , hedge funds , defence manufacturer BAE Systems and mining and energy companies including ArcelorMittal and BP .
The list includes hedge funds Man Group and Paulson , private equity firm Blackstone , banks such as Citi and Barclays and embassies including those of Saudi Arabia and the United States .
The group , which describes itself as an anti-capitalist network " made up of autonomous groups and individuals ", had refused to cooperate with police .
One banker working for an international firm with offices in central London said the staff had received an email indicating around 500 people would attend the protest .
One hedge fund , which asked not to be identified , said it had advised its staff to be especially alert to the protests .
Recent demonstrations against the British government ' s austerity measures have been marred by rioting anarchists . Many Britons angered by bank bailouts and bonuses during tough economic times blame the financial sector .
Britain ' s last major riots took place in 2011 when thousands brought chaos to the centre of the capital and several cities in a display of looting and anger initially provoked by the shooting by police of a man in north London .
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