All Day Everyday Issue 1: June 2013 | Page 9

Prism Whistleblower Edward Snowden Disappears

Written by Amber Green
he whistleblower who leaked details of top-secret US surveillance programmes has disappeared from sight in Hong Kong - with Russia saying it would consider granting him asylum .
Edward Snowden , 29 , left his hotel on Monday , ahead of a probable attempt by the US government to have him returned to face charges .
Mr Snowden , who was a contractor for the National Security Agency ( NSA ), had admitted giving details of the monitoring of phone calls and internet data , from companies such as Google and Facebook , to The Guardian and Washington Post .
He checked out of Hong Kong ' s Mira Hotel , where he was last confirmed to be , hours after going public in a video released on Sunday by The Guardian .
His whereabouts are not known but he is believed to still be in the Chinese territory .
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