All Day Everyday Issue 1: June 2013 | Page 7

Riot police clash with anti-G8 protesters in London

Written by Albert Guard
Riot police clashed with anti-capitalist protesters in running confrontations through the streets of central London on Tuesday and arrested 32 people as activists targeted some of the world ' s biggest companies before next week ' s G8 summit .
About 100 protesters gathered outside oil company BP Plc ' s headquarters , while others chanted " war criminals " at the office of U . S . defence company Lockheed Martin Corp .
Police used chainsaws to break into a four-storey block in the Soho district where the StopG8 protest group had been staying before a " Carnival Against Capitalism " to coincide with the G8 meeting in Northern Ireland .
Aerial footage showed a man on the building ' s flat roof confront three police officers and charge towards the edge before being wrestled to the ground .
Several more police , some wearing abseiling ropes , rushed over to restrain him , inches from the roof ' s unprotected edge . More officers carried away the man , who appeared to have a bloody face .
The roof-top drama came as other protesters - who had threatened to target hedge funds , banks and multinationals - played cat and mouse with riot police through some of London ' s most fashionable streets .
" The G8 is just a front for the corporatocracy , for the kleptocrats . It is about making them more money and dividing up the world so they can all get richer ," said a protester at Piccadilly Circus
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