Alimentos Transgenicos. revista (1) | Page 8

Equipo 3 : Vargas Colin Zaida Zuzel
Eduviguez de los Santos Cristian Ysandro Morales Casquera Aldo
Gonzales Alvares Areli Gisselle
• Transgenic Maize : In the case of maize the new genes are inserted into the genome of the plant . Thanks to these modifications it receives is much more resistant to insects , glyphosates and herbicides . The corn kernels that are produced thanks to the genetic transformation is characterized by being brighter and having an orange color . �
• • Transgenic meat : This type of meat has been made for more than 20 years , when the animals ( pigs , poultry , fish and cows ) began to be modified . The modifications aim to increase the size and weight of the animals , as well as to accelerate their growth . �
• • Transgenic wheat : This wheat is much more resistant to droughts , insecticides and insects . However , it is worth noting that there are currently more cases of people who are intolerant to wheat and celiac , so it is believed that there is a direct relationship with the genetic modifications that have been made on wheat . �
• • Transgenic potatoes : In the case of potatoes the starch enzymes are invalidated by the introduction of an antagonistic copy of the gene that abolishes it . To be able to produce this type of potatoes it is necessary to generate the necessary conditions , since in fact it is quite complex , so much that at the moment one can not find this type of potatoes in the market . �
• • Transgenic tomatoes : The main difference between transgenic tomatoes and common tomatoes is that the time in which they are broken down is much longer . To achieve this , one of its enzymes has to be genetically inhibited by its opposite gene . For this it has to be introduced into the tomato genome . At the moment this type of tomatoes tries to be reinserted in the market , since previously they had been retired by certain difficulties the moment to commercialize them . �
• Transgenic rice : In order to be able to genetically modify rice , you must introduce three new genes , two from daffodils and one from a bacterium . The result is rice with higher vitamin A content . �
• Transgenic coffee : Generally , coffee is modified for the sole purpose of increasing production , but is also usually modified for increased resistance to insects , to decrease caffeine levels and to improve its aroma . �
• Transgenic grapes : Mainly the objective with which the grapes are modified is to increase their resistance and to eliminate the seeds they have�
How many types of transgenic foods are there ?
We can consider the following groups of transgenic foods :
1 . Substances used in animal treatments with the aim of improving production : The best example that we can mention about this type of transgenics are the bovine growth hormones that is used to increase milk production . This hormone is allowed in the United States , but not in the European Union .
2 . Substances used in the food industry , obtained from microorganisms by recombinant DNA techniques : The best example we can mention in this case is recombinant chymosin ( rennet ), which is used in the