Equipo 3:
Vargas Colin Zaida Zuzel
Eduviguez de los Santos Cristian Ysandro
Morales Casquera Aldo
Gonzales Alvares Areli Gisselle
What is the first transgenic food listed above?
Transgenic Soy
What is the last transgenic food in the list above?
Transgenic grapes
What is the second group of transgenic foods?
Substances used in the food industry, obtained from microorganisms by recombinant DNA techniques
What is the first group of transgenic foods?
Substances used in animal treatments with the aim of improving production
What is the third group of transgenic foods?
Transgenic animals that secrete a human protein in their milk or have a lower lactose content
compulsory to test for IgE (allergen-linked immunoglobulin) in each case. one of the new products.
Also, it was demanded to look in the databases of proteins in case the new proteins are similar to
some already known allergen. There are several public and private agencies around the world that
exercise this type of control over modified foods.