ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 9

Advances in Assistive



During 2016 , ALEH initiated a wide-ranging communication program within its schools and kindergartens . Cutting-edge technology was integrated with rehabilitative and adaptive devices to create new opportunities for children with communication difficulties . iPads , communication and SMART boards , projectors , large-screen computers , specialized apps and learning programs were introduced in ALEH ’ s classrooms . One of the most exciting technological devices is an eye-tracking system . This type of system can “ read ” a child ’ s gaze , and translate it into an indication of choice . Thus children who are unable to speak or gesture , can now communicate through shifting their gaze from one item on a screen to another . Eye-tracking systems are now in use at ALEH Negev-Nahalat Eran and at ALEH Bnei Brak . Smart classrooms have been integrated into the special education schools at ALEH Moriah and ALEH Negev-Nahalat Eran . These classrooms employ a range of interactive technologies that enable students to participate in lessons more effectively , and provide means of communication and opportunities for development and improved learning .