ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 15

Bnei Akiva branch opened at

ALEH Jerusalem


During the spring , a branch of Bnei Akiva , the largest religious-Zionist youth movement in the world and prevalent throughout Israel , was opened at ALEH Jerusalem . The residents of ALEH Jerusalem are now able to be active members of the movement and are provided with a wide variety of activities at the branch . Additionally , communal activities at other venues have been made wheelchair accessible in order to accommodate them . The establishment of Bnei Akiva at ALEH Jerusalem was an initiative of members of the movement who volunteer at ALEH . The branch was opened at a festive ceremony attended by members of the movement ’ s national management , who described it as “ an important , historic event .” The opening of Bnei Akiva at ALEH is a clear indication of the growing acceptance of people with disabilities within the community at large , and their increasing inclusion in society . ALEH is one of the outstanding advocates for inclusion and acceptance of those with disabilities and we are , of course , immensely pleased to have ALEH ’ s children become members of Bnei Akiva .