ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 14

ALEH Residents Participate in IAF Ceremony to mark

40-Year Anniversary of

Entebbe Operation


To mark the 40th anniversary of the Entebbe Operation this past summer , ALEH residents were invited as honored guests to the graduation ceremony for IAF pilots at the Hatzerim military base . 11 residents , together with their caregivers and National Service girls , attended . Coincidentally , one of the participating residents was celebrating his 40th birthday on the same day . The residents ’ excitement at attending the ceremony could be clearly felt . Every time a family cheered , so did they ; each time planes flew over , they waved their flags high in the air ; with each song , they smiled , and some even called out the names of the new pilots , with great joy . It was a day of great pride for all involved , having our kids included in such an event .