ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 11

Sports in the service of ALEH – ALEH Ascend ,

07 the EL Al Bike Ride and the Jerusalem Marathon

2016 witnessed a variety of sports activities related to ALEH . The first was the El Al Bike Ride , during which executives from EL AL Israel Airlines USA participated in a 3-day bike ride to benefit ALEH and Alut . When the bike route passed ALEH Negev , our amazing kids were more than happy to join in the fun – thanks to their Therapeutic Biking Program , which furthers our residents ’ mobility opportunities and enhances their physical fitness in a fun , social setting . In September , the ALEH Ascend team joined 40,000 other runners in the 43rd BMW BERLIN-MARATHON – one of the six “ World Marathon Majors .” Each of the runners had gathered sponsors in order to raise funds for ALEH , and their shirts , which bore the ALEH logo and the Israeli flag , publicized us for all attending . Aside from the physical challenge of the marathon , and the mitzvah of supporting ALEH , the emotional sight of an Israeli team , striding through a major German city with their heads held high , proudly wearing the Israeli flag , gave added value to the event . Earlier in the year , ALEH Jerusalem ’ s children also participated in the Jerusalem Marathon . The Jerusalem police trained with the children and then , when the big day came , proudly ran with them in their wheelchairs , braces or walkers . We continue to prioritize sports and fitness facilities and programs for our residents , promoting improved physical and mental health .