AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 21


Maror , or bitter herbs , ( usually fresh horseradish ) are symbolic of the bitterness of slavery . However , we do not eat the maror alone , but temper it with a small amount of charoset to signify that there is some sweetness , even in the most bitter of times .
בָּרוּךְ‏ אַ‏ תָּ‏ ה יְהוָּה אֱלֹהֵ‏ ינוּ‏ מֶ‏ לֶ‏ ךְ‏ הָּ‏ עוֹלָּ‏ ם , אֲ‏ שֶ‏ ר קִ‏ דְ‏ שָּ‏ נוּ‏ . בְמִ‏ צְווֹתָּ‏ יו , וְצִוָּּנוּ‏ עַ‏ ל אֲ‏ כִילַ‏ ת מָּ‏ רוֹר
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha ’ olam , asher kid ’ shanu b ’ mitzvotav v ’’ tzivanu al achilat maror .
Blessed are You , Lord , our God , Ruler of the universe , who sanctifies us with commandments and calls upon us to eat maror .
Charoset also symbolizes the mortar that the Israelites used to build the pyramids in Egypt . Tonight ’ s Seder features a traditional charoset , a mix of apples , nuts , wine and cinnamon . Distribute pieces of matzah so that each guest may prepare a “ sandwich ” of matzah , maror , and charoset .