AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 20


( Ritual Hand washing )

Motzi Matzah

Matzah ( unleavened bread ) is symbolic of the Israelites ’ departure from Egypt ; in their haste , they did not have time to wait for their bread to rise .
. בָּרוּךְ‏ אַ‏ תָּ‏ ה יְהוָּה אֱלֹהֵ‏ ינוּ‏ מֶ‏ לֶ‏ ךְ‏ הָּ‏ עוֹלָּ‏ ם , הַ‏ מּוֹצִיא לֶחֶ‏ ם מִ‏ ן הָּ‏ אָרֶ‏ ץ
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha ’ olam , ha ’ motzi lehem min ha ’ aretz .
Blessed are You , Lord , our God , Ruler of the universe , Who brings forth bread from the earth .