AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 22


( Hillel Sandwich )

Shulhan Orekh

( Dinner )


( Afikoman )


( Grace after the meal )


Saying grace is an act of the greatest importance . To be able to eat and drink is a possibility as extraordinary , as miraculous , as the crossing of the Red Sea . We do not recognize the miracle this represents because we live in a world which , for the moment , has plenty of everything , and because our memory is short . Yet those who live in less fortunate countries understand that to be able to satisfy one ’ s hunger is the marvel of marvels ... the route which takes bread from the earth in which it grows to the mouth which eats it is one of the most perilous . It is to cross the Red Sea …
Emannuel Levinas , a Lithuanian-born French philosopher and Talmudic commentator .