Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 62
CHAPTER 9: Scoring
General Regulations
Approaching Targets – While scoring is in progress, competitors or their delegate must not approach any
target closer than 1 meter without the authorization of the Range Officer. Violation will result in a warning
for the first offense, but the competitor or his delegate may, at the discretion of the Range Officer, incur a
procedural penalty for subsequent occurrences in the same match.
Touching Targets – While scoring is in progress competitors or their delegate must not touch, gauge or
otherwise interfere with any target without the authorization of the Range Officer. Should a Range Officer
deem that a competitor or their delegate has influenced or affected the scoring process due to such
interference, the Range Officer may:
Score the affected target as a missed target; or
Impose penalties for any affected no-shoots.
Prematurely Patched Targets – If a target is prematurely patched or taped, preventing the determination of the
actual score, the Range Officer must order the competitor to reshoot the course of fire.
Unrestored Targets – If, following completion of a course of fire by a previous competitor, one or more
targets have not been properly patched or taped for the competitor being scored, the Range Officer must
judge whether or not an accurate score can be determined. If there are extra scoring hits or questionable
penalty hits thereon, and it is not obvious which hits were made by the competitor being scored, the affected
competitor must be ordered to reshoot the course of fire.
In the event that patches or tape applied to a restored paper target are accidentally blown off by
wind, muzzle blast or another reason, and it is not obvious to the Range Officer which hits were
made by the competitor being scored, the competitor will be required to reshoot the course of fire.
A competitor who hesitates or self-stops during his attempt at a course of fire, due to a belief that
one or more paper targets have not been restored, is not entitled to a reshoot.
Impenetrable – The scoring area of all IPSC scoring targets and no-shoots is deemed to be impenetrable. If a:
Projectile strikes wholly within the scoring area of a paper target, and continues on to strike down
a rigid target, this will be treated as range equipment failure. The competitor will be required to
reshoot the course of fire, after it has been restored.
Projectile strikes partially within the scoring area of a paper or rigid target, and continues on to
strike the scoring area of another paper target, the hit on the subsequent paper target will also
count for score or penalty, as the case may be.
Projectile strikes wholly within the scoring area of a paper target, and continues on to strike the
scoring area of another paper target, the hit on the subsequent paper target will not count for score
or penalty, as the case may be.
Projectile strikes partially within the scor