Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 61 Any person verbally or otherwise interfering with a competitor during his attempt at a course of fire may be subject to Section 10.6. If the Range Officer believes that the interference significantly affected the competitor, he must report the incident to the Range Master, who may, at his discretion, offer the affected competitor a reshoot. 8.6.3 In the event that inadvertent contact from the Range Officer or another external influence has interfered with the competitor during a course of fire, the Range Officer may offer the competitor a reshoot of the course of fire. The competitor must accept or decline the offer prior to seeing either the time or the score from the initial attempt. However, if the competitor commits a safety infraction during any such interference, the provisions of Sections 10.4 and 10.5 may still apply. 8.7 Sight Pictures, Dry Firing and Course Inspection 8.7.1 Competitors are prohibited from taking a sight picture and/or dry firing prior to the start signal. Violation will result in a warning for the first occurrence and one procedural penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match. Competitors may, while pointing their firearm at the ground, adjust electronic sights. 8.7.2 Competitors are prohibited from using any sighting aid (e.g. the whole or part of an imitation or replica firearm, any part of a real firearm including any accessories thereof etc.), except for their own hands, while conducting their inspection ("walkthrough") of a course of fire. Violations will incur one procedural penalty per occurrence (also see Rule 10.5.1). 8.7.3 No person is permitted to enter or move through a course of fire without the prior approval of a Range Officer assigned to that course of fire, or the Range Master. Violations will incur a warning for the first offense but may be subject to the provisions of Section 10.6 for subsequent offenses. IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition 24