Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 53 A competitor who is classified or reclassified as above must be notified as soon as possible. The Range Master's decision on these matters is final. A competitor reclassified to Open Division under Rule will thereafter be subject only to the provisions of Appendix D1 but is required to continue using the same firearm and sights, unless Rule 5.1.7 applies. 6.2.6 A disqualification incurred by a competitor, at any time during a match, will prevent the competitor from further participation in the match including any subsequent attempts in another Division. However, this is not retroactive. Any previous and complete scores from another Division will be entered into match results for recognition and awards in that Division. 6.2.7 Recognition of a competitor in a specific Division will not preclude further recognition in a Category or from inclusion as member of a Regional or other team. 6.3 Match Categories 6.3.1 IPSC matches may include different Categories within each Division to recognize different groups of competitors. A competitor may declare only one Category for a match. 6.3.2 Failure to meet the requirements of the declared Category or failure to declare a Category prior to the start of the match will result in exclusion from that Category. Details of currently approved Categories and related requirements are listed in Appendix A2. 6.4 Regional Teams 6.4.1 Subject to the availability of allocated slots, only one official Regional team in each Division and/or Division/Category may be selected on merit by each Region for IPSC Level IV or higher matches. Approved Category teams are specified by the IPSC Assembly (see Appendix A2). 6.4.2 At Level IV matches, the only teams permitted are those representing Regions within the zone where the match is being held (e.g. at a European Championship, only teams representing Regions designated by IPSC as belonging to the European Zone can be fielded). At Level IV and higher matches, official Regional Teams must be "seeded" for squadding purposes in accordance to how the team placed at the same immediately preceding event, if any, even if the team is comprised of different persons. An individual competitor’s scores can only be used exclusively for a single team in a match, and each team must be comprised of competitors in the same Division. The individual Division and/or Category assigned to a competitor determines his eligibility in respect of teams (e.g. a competitor individually in Production Division cannot participate in an Open Division team). A female individually registered as "Lady" cannot participate in a team based on age, or vice versa. A competitor individually registered in a Category may be a member of an "overall" team in the same Division. 6.4.3 Teams must consist of a maximum of 4 members, however, only the final scores of the 3 highest scoring team members will be used to calculate team results. 6.4.4 If a member of a team retires from the match for any reason before completing all of the stages, scores attained by that competitor will continue to stand towards the team score, however, the affected team is not entitled to replace the retired team member. 6.4.5 A team member who is unable to commence a match may be replaced prior to commencement by another competitor, subject to the approval of the Match Director. 6.4.6 If a member of a team is disqualified from a match, the disqualified member’s scores will revert to zero for all stages. Teams will not be entitled to replace a disqualified team member. IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition 16