Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 52

CHAPTER 6: Match Structure 6.1 General Principles The following definitions are used for clarity: 6.1.1 Course Of Fire (also "course" and "COF") – A separately timed and scored IPSC shooting challenge, conceptualized and constructed in accordance with IPSC principles of course design, containing targets and challenges which each competitor must safely negotiate. 6.1.2 Stage – A portion of an IPSC match containing one course of fire and related supporting facilities, amenities, shelter and signage. A stage must use one type of firearm (e.g. handgun) exclusively. 6.1.3 Match – Consists of a minimum of 3 stages where all stages use the same type of firearm. The total sum of individual stage results will be accumulated to declare a match winner. 6.1.4 Not applicable. 6.1.5 Not applicable. 6.1.6 League – Consists of two or more IPSC matches of a single firearm type held at different locations and on different dates. The total sum of match results attained by each competitor at component matches specified by the league organizers will be accumulated to determine a league winner. 6.2 Match Divisions 6.2.1 IPSC Divisions recognize different firearms and equipment (see Appendix D). Each match must recognize at least one Division. When multiple Divisions are available in a match, each Division must be scored separately and independently, and match results must recognize a winner in each Division. 6.2.2 In IPSC sanctioned matches, the minimum number of competitors stipulated in Appendix A2 must compete in each Division for it to be recognized. If there are insufficient competitors in a Division, the Match Director may allow that Division to stand without official IPSC recognition. 6.2.3 Prior to the commencement of a match, each competitor must declare one Division for score, and Match Officials should check competitor equipment compliance with the declared Division, prior to the competitor making an attempt at any of the courses of fire. This is a service to assist competitors verify that their equipment, in the configuration as presented, is in compliance with their declared Division. However, competitors always remain subject to the provisions of Rule If a competitor disagrees with an equipment compliance ruling, the onus is upon him, prior to him attempting any courses of fire, to provide evidence acceptable to the examiner in support of his claim. In the absence or rejection of such evidence, the original decision will stand, subject only to appeal to the Range Master, whose decision is final. The competitor’s firearm and all allied equipment accessible to him during a course of fire are subject to compliance testing, if requested by a Match Official. 6.2.4 Subject to the prior approval of the Match Director, a competitor may enter a match in more than one Division. However, the competitor may compete for score in only one Division, and that must be the first attempt in all cases. Any subsequent attempts in another Division will not be entered into match results nor count for match recognition and awards. 6.2.5 Where a Division is unavailable or deleted, or where a competitor fails to declare a specific Division prior to the commencement of a match, the competitor will be placed in the Division which, in the opinion of the Range Master, most closely identifies with the competitor's equipment. If, in the opinion of the Range Master, no suitable Division is available, the competitor will shoot the match for no score. A competitor who fails to satisfy H\]Z\Y[