Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 54

6.5 Competitor Status and Credentials 6.5.1 All competitors must be individual members of the IPSC Region in which they normally reside. Residency is defined as the Region where the individual is ordinarily domiciled for a minimum of 183 days of the twelve months immediately preceding the month in which the match begins. Ordinarily domiciled condition is a physical presence test and does not relate to citizenship or to any address of convenience. The 183 days need not be consecutive or the most recent 183 days of the twelve month period. In any case, match organizers must not accept any competitor from a foreign Region unless the Regional Director of that Region has confirmed the competitor's eligibility to participate in the subject match. 6.5.2 Competitors who ordinarily reside in a country or geographical area which is not affiliated to IPSC may join an IPSC affiliated Region and may compete under the auspices of that Region, subject to the approval of the IPSC Executive Council and the Regional Director of that Region. If a competitor's country or geographical area of residence subsequently applies for affiliation to IPSC, the competitor must become a member of that Region during the affiliation process. A competitor and/or team member may represent only the IPSC Region in which they reside, except as follows: 6.5.3 In respect of a competitor who resides in one Region, but who wishes to represent the Region of which they are a citizen, the Regional Directors for the Region of residence and the Region of citizenship must agree in writing prior to the commencement of the match. A competitor who falls under the conditions of Rule may represent the Region of which they are a member, subje