Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
All things change, and we change with
All things come not to pass which the mind
has conceived.
All things come to an end.
All things come to he who waits.
All things come to those who wait.
All things good to know are difficult to
All things grow with time - except grief.
All things happen when their times come.
All things hath a beginning, God excepted.
All things helps quoth the Wran, when she
pisht in the Sea.
All things hes an end, a Pudding hes twa.
All things must pass
All things of this world are nothing, unless
they have reference to the next.
All things seem difficult at first.
All things that you want others to do to
you, do it to them.
All things thrive but thrice.
All things were once impossible.
All things wytes that well not fares.
All threateners don’t fight.
All time spent angry is time lost being
All times are good when old.
All too good is every man’s fool.
All too good is neighbours fool.
All truths are not good to be uttered.
All truths are not to be told.
All waiting is long.
All wald have all, all wald forgive.
All want to be lords, but none want to carry
the bag.
All war follow a demonstrate failure of
difficulty diplomacy.
All water flows into the ocean or into the
purse of the rich.
All water runs to the sea.
All ways lead to the mill.
All we can hold in our cold dead hands is
what we have given away.
All weapons of war cannot arm fear.
All weather is passing.
All who have died are equal.
All who live under the sky are woven to-
gether like one big mat.
All who snore are not asleep.
All wish to live long, but none to be called
All women are alike when the lamp is out.
All women are good Lutherans -- they
would rather preach than hear mass.
All women are heirs to Mother Eve.
All women may be won.
All wooers are rich, and all captives poor.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull
All work and no play makes Jack filthy rich.
All work is as seed sown; it grows and
spreads, and sows itself anew.
All you can tell about a big belly is that the
owner has had a lot to eat, not what he
had to eat.
All you need is love
All your geese are swans.
All’s alike at the latter day: a bag of gold
and wisp of hay.
All’s fair in love and war.
All’s fish that comes to the net.
All’s for the best in the best of all possible
All’s grist that comes to the mill.
All’s lost that’s put in a riven dish.
All’s not lost that’s in danger.
All’s well that ends well.
Allah does not love the aggressors.
Allah gave hunger to one and hunger to
Allah gives dried beans to eat to him who
has no teeth left.
Allah has said, "Start moving so that I may
start blessing."
Allah preserve us from “If only I’d known!”
Alligator lay egg but him no fowl.
Alligator shouldn’ call hog long mouth.
All's fair in love and war
All's for the best in the best of all possible
All's well that ends well