Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
All rivers run into the sea.
All roads do not lead to Rome.
All roads lead to Beijing.
All roads lead to moscow.
All roads lead to Rome.
All rotten fish taste the same.
All sails do not suit every ship.
All saint without, all devil within.
All saints do not work miracles.
All ships leak: some amidships, some in the
bows, some in the hold.
All signs are misleading.
All sins cast long shadows.
All sins cast long shadows.
All state, and nothing on the plate.
All strangers are relations to each other.
All sunchine makes the desert.
All tastes are tastes.
All temptations are found either in hope or
All tests are self-adminstered.
All that glisters is not gold.
All that glitters is not gold, and all that is
sticky is not tar.
All that glitters is not gold, nor all that
sparkles silver.
All that is not given is lost.
All that lives must die.
All that meal comes not from your own
All that shakes falls not.
All that shines is not silver.
All that’s fair must fade.
All that’s said in the kitchen should not be
told in the hall.
All that’s yellow is not gold, and all white
things are not eggs.
All the armament of Sicily won’t arm fear.
All the art lies in making the best of a bad
All the bad things seems to happen at the
same time.
All the brains are not in one head.
All the cones drop on poor makar.
All the Corn in the Country is not shorn by
the Kempers.
All the fingers are not alike.
All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds
of yesterday.
All the fruit will mature in a warm and dry
All the honey a bee gathers during its
lifetime doesn’t sweeten its sting.
All the hours wound you, the last one kills.
All the hours wound, the last one kills.
All the keys do not hang at one girdle.
All the keys in the land do not hang from
one girdle.
All the Keys of the Countrey hangs not at
one Belt.
All the past died yesterday; the future is
born today.
All the sheep are not for the wolf.
All the smiths . . . can’t mend a broken egg.
All the speed is in the spurs.
All the treasures of earth cannot bring back
one lost moment.
All the water in the sea doesn’t even reach
the knees of the man who fears not
All the winning is in the first buying.
All the wool is hair, more or less.
All the world loves a lover.
All the world will beat the man whom
fortune buffets.
All the world’s Great Journeys begin with
the first step.
All they that take the sword shall perish
with the sword.
All things are becoming to good people.
All things are cause for either laughter or
All things are difficult before they are easy.
All things are easy that are done willingly.
All things are easy to industry, all things
difficult to sloth.
All things are good unsaid.
All things are not good for all.
All things are possible with God.
All things at first appear difficult.
All things change and we with them.