Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
Almond nuts come to those who have no
Almost and very nigh saves many a lie.
Almost everyone is mad but some people
can control their madness.
Almost is not eaten.
Almost kills no man.
Almost never killed a fly.
Alms do not decrease, going to church does
not hinder.
Alms do not empty the purse, and a mass
does not exhaust the day’s duty.
Alms given openly will be rewarded in
Alms never make poor.
Almsgiving never impoverished, stealing
never enriched, and prosperity never
made wise.
Alone a youth runs fast, with an elder slow,
but together they go far.
Alone, alone, one cannot produce history.
(Don’t’ work alone on things that
require the help of others.)
Along in counsel, alone in sorrow.
Along silence followed by mighty noise.
Also the black cow produces white milk.
Although a monkey be dressed in silk, she
is still a monkey.
Although dying of thirst, I drink not the
water of a stolen fountain.
Although he comes and cuts me down, I’ll
grow next spring.
Although he who walks behind an elephant
may feel very secure, he is likely to get
splattered with elephant dung.
Although pepper is tiny, its taste is intense.
Although shrimps may dance around, they
do not leave the river.
Although the horse is stupid, it does not
follow that the rider is stupid.
Although the monkey might dress in silk,
monkey it still is.
Although the snake does not fly it has
caught the bird whose home is in the
Although the snake does not fly, it has
caught the hornbill, whose home is in
the sky.
Although the sun shines, leave not your
cloak at home.
Although there exist many thousands of
subjects for elegant conversation, there
are persons who cannot meet a cripple
without talking about feet.
Although there’s a new love, the old love
can’t be forgotten.
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Always a valley before a hill.
Always ask a higher price, because you can
always lower it.
Always assume your guest is tired, cold
and hungry, and act accordingly.
Always be patient with the rich and
Always be well dressed, even when
Always being in a hurry does not prevent
death, neither does going slowly pre-
vent living.
Always count the cost.
Always drink up stream from the herd.
Always exist branch grabbers, when exist
fir-tree haulers.
Always have sex with the boss.
Always in a hurry, always behind
Always in love, never married.
Always it is the brave ones who die.
Always keep calm in an emergency.
Always know what you are buying.
Always leave a little room for a mistake.
Always look on the bright side
Always put your best foot forward.
Always remember that a smile is something
sacred, to be shared.
Always ride your horse in the direction it’s
Always sample a maidens charms before
the wedding.
Always say no, and you will never be
Always shut the gate after the horse is out.
Always something new out of Africa