Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 30

沉香的结香法 AG A R W O O D I N O C U L AT I O N M E T H O D 结香技术 人工结香 香树脂的形成方式可以分为自然结香、传统结 香和人工结香。 ARTIFICIAL INOCULATION (REVIVAL OF AGARWOOD) INOCULATION METHOD The formation of aromatic resin can be categorized into Natural Inoculation, Traditional Inoculation and Aificial Inoculation. 自然结香 NATURAL INOCULATION 历史上,沉香树脂只能通过诸如遭遇雷击、动物和昆虫的侵袭、森林火灾、暴 风雨灾害以及真菌入侵等自然效应所触发的自然防御机制来产生。 虽然这种自然形成沉香的方式通常需要耗费很长时间 (大约70年), 但是由于长期的蕴育,这类沉香能够散发 出非常天然而纯净的芳香。 通过这种方式获得的树脂产量极低,仅占野生产量的不到7%;而且只有一小部 分树木 能受影响。 Historically, Agarwood resin can only be produced by natural defense mechanisms triggered by natural effects such as lightning strikes, animals and insect infestation, forest fires, storm disasters, and fungal infections. Although this natural formation of Agarwood usually takes a long time (about 70 years), such Agarwood can emit a very natural and pure aroma due to long-term cultivation. The yield of resin obtained by this way is extremely low, accounting for less than 7% of wild production; and only a small percentage of trees can be affected. 传统结香 TRADITIONAL INOCULATION 随着沉香的使用渐为流行,几十年前,人们引进了传统方法来增加这种树脂的 产量。这些是通过钉子、锤子、刀子、钻孔和点火对树木造成物理损害。此外 ,还有一些“非常手段”,例如:在树皮上涂敷有毒物质来刺激树木。 然而,这些方法依然只能获得很低的产量,而且其沉香 质量较次或者档次很低。 这类树脂香味平淡,精油含量极少。 As the use of Agarwood became more popular, Traditional Inoculation had been introduced a few decades ago to increase the yield of resin. The methods being use are by physically damaging the tree with nails, hammer, blades, drilling hole or ignition. In addition, there are some “extraordinary measures” such as applying toxic substances to the bark to stimulate trees. However, by using such methods, the yield is low and the quality is mostly of the second or lower grade. Such resin has plain fragrant and very small amount of essential oil. (沉香的复兴) 如今,人们通过漫长的硏究发现了新技术。这些新技术的方法目前在马来西亚 、中国、印度、泰国、越南、印尼、柬埔寨、緬甸和老挝(寮国)等国家的大 多数沉香种植园得到了广泛釆用。这种工艺包括了给树木钻孔,并在孔中放一 小根塑料管,使创伤保持开放状态,然后化学注入真菌化合物来刺激树木的防 御机制使之产生树脂。 采用这种工艺的第一个项目是在明尼苏达大学木材病理学家Robert Blanchette 教授的监督下在越南开展的。在当地农民和僧徒的协助下,项目组开发了实验 田来促进沉香的生产,经过多年的尝试,这种工艺成功地产生了沉香。 Blanchette 教授表示,同天然形成法相比,这种人工结香法产生商业沉香的速 度要快十倍。这一发现受到全球关注,并且一直被视为商品沉香形成方面最成 功的发现之一(Persoon,2007年)。这些方法快速有效,在12至24个月内就能 取得最大成果。 Nowadays, people have discovered new technologies through long-term research. These new technology approaches are currently widely used in most Agarwood plantations in countries such as Malaysia, China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. The process involves drilling of trees and keeping the wound open by placing a small piece of plastic pipe in those holes followed by a chemical injection to stimulate the tree defense mechanism that produces resin. The first project of this effo was initiated in Vietnam under supervision of Prof. Robe Blanchee, a wood pathologist from the University of Minnesota. With the help from local farmers and Buddhist monks, they developed an experimental field to stimulate the production of Agarwood and aer years of trials, this process successfully yielded Agarwood. Dr. Blanchee stated that this aificial induction could yield Agarwood ten times faster than natural formation. This finding has gained appreciation and has been considered as one of the most successful findings (Persoon, 2007). These methods are fast and efficient, with the best results in 12 to 24 months.